In the following example, the column LISTPRICES shows the string with the concatenated costs separated by a+ ( plus) sign. 在下列的示例中,列LISTPRICES显示了包含用加号(+)分隔的连接在一起的成本的字符串。
The tag, if any, of a dollar-quoted string follows the same rules as an unquoted identifier, except that it cannot contain a dollar sign. 如果有标签的话,一个美元符包围的字串遵循和无引号包围的标识符相同的规则,只是它不能包含美元符。
Results Post-cholangiojejunostomy anastomotic stenosis was revealed in 4 cases, in which truncation sign, salvia sign and beads string sign were shown on MRI. 结果胆-肠吻合术后吻合口狭窄4例,MRC表现为截断状、鼠尾状或串珠状狭窄。